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Naast het prive shoppen organiseren wij ook extra dagen en evenementen in onze winkel. Denk hierbij aan de tuigjes-aanmeetdagen, de populaire kerst photoshoot, informatiedagen van onze leveranciers en evenementen in onze stad Deventer die je kunt combineren met een bezoek aan onze conceptstore. Hieronder vind je onze evenementen agenda. 

Op dit moment staan er geen events gepland.

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Dear Customer,

Due to the extreme winter and holiday season rush in our webshop, it may take a little longer than usual to hear back from us via email. Currently, it takes 2-3 working days for us to respond. Have you already sent us an email? Please avoid sending another one, as this may cause further delays. Rest assured, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Did you know we’re celebrating Christmas this December with a store that’s open without appointments? You can read all about it here. See you soon!